Wednesday, 11 September 2013

"Then I awoke and found my love. Oh what a dream, as heavenly as the one above.."

I finished a short story called Sunflower for this upcoming magazine Voicings: The Canadian Literary Magazine for Aboriginal Writing.

The publishers were kind enough to contact me earlier in the summer about writing for their premiere issue. I also did a Q&A with them, and once summer was near its end I managed to bang out a short story in a matter of several hours after thinking about it all season.

It was kind of like when I wrote Jonas - I had that one done within a few hours and spent a couple of days editing and rewriting some parts. I wrote Jonas for a national writing contest, and it took first place.

It was the first time I had really won anything. And the first time I had really really wanted to win, to at least place in the top 10. First place was amazing.

I hope readers enjoy Sunflower just as much.

This time around I have the benefit of getting some feedback from editors on what to change/make more clear. I did not have that when writing Jonas, so I am so thankful for the notes now because it really just helps to improve the story.

I can't wait to hear people's reactions and see it all put together later.

I hope more opportunities arise to write short stories, as they are fun and give me the chance to really put my creativity to work.

All those years spent daydreaming, reading, and listening to sappy music are paying off. One step leads to another, and then another. Keep going.

Thanks to Winter for publishing me for the first time, for giving me my big break.

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